“Rodrigo Carvalho of Boris Chimp 504 talks about new works “Multiverse” and “Light Portals”“. Interview to VDMX. October 2017
“Echo: new Dubai festival looks at what happens when art, design and technology converge”
Article on “The Article UAE” edition. September 2017
Montjuïc: A Future Odyssey, Episode 6 . Logbook of Canal180’s adventures in between algorithms and sounds at Sónar. June 2017
“Sónar Barcelona 2017: Manteniendo el nivel”
Sonar 2017 Review by Buenos Aliens. July 2017
“Sonar Barcelona 2017. Driving People Crazy” . Sonar review by Metal Magazine. July 2017
Boris Chimp 504 lands at Sonar. Interview to Metal Magazine . June 2017
PREVIEW: SONAR+D 2017 . Interview to Ransom Note. June 2017
“SOUND+VISUAL+MOVEMENT” . Interview about some of my projects, AV interactive systems, live performances, S+V+M blog, and also about some of my references and inspirations. By Ana Carvalho, Digicult. Jan 2017
“Boris 504’s Non-Human Device Challenges Viewers To Take A Trip Into Space
With A Soviet Chimpanzee“. Article about the project Boris Chimp 504 and the “Non Human Device” installations.
By , “The Creators Project”. Jan 2014.
Interview for Damaged Duchess. About the concept video I developed with Andre Sousa for the brand launch. Dec. 2014.
Interview for Sixth Finger Magazine. About my work. By Tatiana Makrinova, Dec. 2014.
Carvalho, Rodrigo (2018) “S+V+M: Relationships between the Sound, Visual and Movement domains in Interactive Systems“. PhD in Digital Media . FEUP.UP [UT Austin Colab / FCT]
Betella, A. , Carvalho R. , Sanchez-Palencia, J., Bernardet, U., and F. M. J. Verschure, P. (2012). “Embodied interaction with complex neuronal data in mixed-reality“. In Proceedings of the 2012 Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC ’12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 3 , 8 pages.
Carvalho, Rodrigo (2013). “The magical features of immersive audiovisual environments“. in Interactions, V.20 I.5,pg. 32-37.
SIGCHI , ACM New York, USA. [pre-print version here].
Carvalho, Rodrigo (2013). “From Clavilux to Ufabulum.” in CITAR Journal of Science and Tecnology of the Arts v.5, pg. 43–52., Porto, Portugal.
Beira, J., Carvalho, R. and Kox, S. (2013). “Mixed reality immersive design: a study in interactive dance“. in ImmersiveMe ’13 Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international workshop on Immersive media experiences, pg 45-50.
SIGMULTIMEDIA. ACM New York, USA. [pre-print version here].
[Posters/Extended Abtract]
Carvalho, R., Neto, M. (2014). “Non Human Device #002“. in xCoAx 2014: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X. p.490. Porto,Portugal.
Carvalho, R., de Quay, Y and Jun, S. (2014). “The Interpreter“. in INTER-FACE : International Conference on Live Interfaces 2014. Lisboa, Portugal.